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Written Friday,

Nanofiber filter media increase the efficiency and life span of your dust collection and fume extraction system

“Blended paper media have been used in industrial dust collection and fume extraction systems for decades. Made up of cellulose (80-85%) and polyester (15-20%) fibers, they collect particles in a variety of dust, fume and/or smoke generating applications, such as metalworking, welding, plasma cutting and laser cutting. With the advancement and availability of nanofiber technology, these filters are now able to collect more – and smaller – particles than ever before, while at the same time lasting longer, using less fan and compressed air energy, and requiring less maintenance than their predecessors

Air purification in industrial processes: environmentally friendly production
Written Friday, by Nicola Tagliabue

Air purification in industrial processes: environmentally friendly production

“In industrial processes, the elimination of fumes, oil mists and dusts from the air is crucial in order to respect the legal requirements, protect the environment and ensure limited pollutant emissions. It is therefore necessary to use filtration systems of the utmost quality and reliability.

Written Monday,

Durable industrial hose reels and cable reels improve efficiency and reduce costs

“Retractable industrial hose reels and cable reels provide easy access to power, oil, gas, air, water, and data connections in many workplaces. Investing in durable, high quality hose reels and cable reels improves the efficiency and convenience of workplace operations. All while simultaneously reducing costs and maintenance needs on a long-term and short-term basis