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Research, experimentation and development

SO.TEC's applied technologies are derived from studies and experiments carried out "in the field" via the installation of pilot plants, which are tested for extended periods of time in order to ensure their suitability for the various industrial sectors.

Since 1995, SO.TEC has supplied and installed over 250 turnkey systems worldwide, with its coalescing technology being properly adapted for use under various industrial conditions.

Product know-how



In 1995, SO.TEC began developing coalescence technology for the filtration of oil fumes containing graphite produced by hot brass forging pro...


Mini-Max Plus and with a vertical layout

MINI-MAX PLUS Filter (capacities from 8.000 m3/h to 10.000 m3/h)The MINI-MAX Plus filter distinguishes itself from the standard MINI-MAX filt...


Super-compact system

SO.TEC offers an an innovative technology, which has been widely applied and tested both in Italy and abroad, that's designed to treat the fu...
