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Rubber moulding and post-curing: oil mists and VOCs treatment

“"Rubber moulding and vulcanization processes are delicate stages capable to generate fumes, oil mists and volatile organic substances harmful to humans and the environment. It's important to provide moulding/curing departments of appropriate filtration plants to protect workers and the environment. "

Written Monday, by Nicola Tagliabue
Rubber moulding and post-curing: oil mists and VOCs treatment

The rubber moulding and post-curing are the main production stages for seals and technical rubber articles.

During these phases of the production  hot fumes with oily character and loads of plasticizers, phthalates, and various chemicals are generated.

The fumes produced in the rubber manufacturing processes should therefore be treated with caution because, in many cases, are very harmful.

To avoid these hazards, ensure that workers have to operate safely (without risk to their health and their safety) and comply with legal requirements in the field of air purification is necessary to equip your  rubber moulding and post-curing department with a reliable air purification system.

SO.TEC first tested through "pilot plant" coalescence technology for treatment and filtration of oil mists from rubber moulding and vulcanization.

Thanks to the excellent results reported by SO.TEC the Lombardy region has included in the tabs BAT (Best Available Technologies) the coalescence filtration technology "with fiber glass candles" as one of the best technologies available to treat the fumes generated from hot rubber processes.

The competence of this subject has allowed SO.TEC to realize different types of suction and filtration systems in the rubber molding and vulcanization sector.

The plants for oil mists produced by SO.TEC are:

  • MINI-MAX plants: maximum filtration efficiency with a very small footprint and a suction flow rate ranging from 500 to 8.000 m3 / h (the filters are installed both inside and outside of the production department) 
  • MINI-MAX PLUS  AND WITH A VERTICAL  LAY-OUT: maximum filtration efficiency with a very small footprint and a suction flow rate that varies from 8.000 to 15.000 m3 / h (the filters are installed both inside and outside the production department) 
  • SUPERCOMPACT plants: state of the art filtration systems, compact size and large air flow rate. (≥ 20.000 m3 / h). Filters are usually installed outside the production department) 

For the VOCs (volatile organic compounds) coming from rubber processes, expecially form post-curing ovens, SO.TEC propose activated carbon plants installed after their coalescence systems.

This allows to achieve a top level in the air filtration in this specific sector, with emission levels close to zero, both for the total oil mists and dust content both for the VOCs, responsible for the smell.

The realization of different oil mists filtration systems allows SO.TEC to better meet the needs of companies of many different sectors.


Nicola Tagliabue

Author Nicola Tagliabue

Managing Director at SO.TEC Srl

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